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From 1 May 2011, any new building open to the public, or existing buildings undergoing significant renovation, are required to comply with the Disability (Access to Premises - Buildings Standards 2010. The Standards clarify how to ensure buildings are accessible to people with disability and meet the requirements of discrimination law.
Over time, the Premises Standards will ensure that buildings in Australia become more accessible, and more useful to an ageing population. More accessible buildings will assist in achieving equal participation for people with disability in employment, education, access to services, and other areas of participation in economic, social and cultural life.
The Premises Standards contain an Access Code which has been fully incorporated into the National Construction Code [NCC]. There are exceptions identified in the Premises Standards which are not recorded in the NCC; and, the Australian Human Rights Commission have developed guidelines to assist in the effective interpretation of the requirements to minimise discrimination, whilst not introducing unreasonable hardship on property owners and developers.
This is a complex area of knowledge that requires a full appreciation of the context for its effective application to remove the barriers to access for people who live with disabilities.