• Suite 7/438 Forest Road Hurstville NSW 2220 AUSTRALIA
  • (+61) 2 95863111

This document provides an overview of the accessibility features of this website. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us.

IMPORTANT: If you are experiencing problems in viewing this website, switch to Full Access Layout.

Table of contents

Accessibility in This Website

This website aims to achieve a high level of accessibility. Accessibility means giving users the opportunity to successfully access information from the web. Our goal is to give this opportunity to the widest category of users, including people with disabilities.
With this concept in mind, this website includes numerous features explained in detail below.

The Accessibility Panel

To open the accessibility panel, click on the button placed on the top bar. Each accessibility feature comes with a description: hover your mouse over any button and a tip will be displayed.

Font Resizer Tool

This is a useful tool for changing the size of text. Alternatively, you can use the zooming feature of your browser.

Layout width switcher

You can choose the best layout width that suits your need.

Layout Modes

You can navigate the website in several layout modes. Some of them are useful to some categories of users or people with disabilities.

Default Layout

The default mode is the default layout.

Switch now to: Default Layout.

Full Access Layout

This layout is suited for users using screen readers, keyboard only navigation or obsolete browsers.
The layout is designed to be compatible with most browsers and it will not be corrupted when viewed with an obsolete browser.
In this layout, each page is divided into sections and each section has a descriptive heading. On the top of each page you will find a quick access menu that helps you jump to different sections of the page. Note also that each section is assigned to an acceskey (keyboard shortcut).

Switch now to: Full Access Layout.

High Contrast Layout

This mode is suitable for people with low vision.
This layout is "horizontal" based: all the sections and columns are full width. This helps users with low vision zoom text and set big fonts to read the content clearly. It also sets the highest contrast for background and text color. Furthermore, all text links are well signed and no graphic effects are added.

Switch now to: High Contrast Layout.

Graphic Modes

The user can change the page style to increase the legibility of the content.

Best legibility

This mode is suitable for visually impaired people or users who have cognitive disabilities.
It highlights links, image links, buttons, input boxes, menus and focused objects; sets more contrast for text; sets the best readable font family and increases the font line height.

Switch now to: Best Legibility.

Night mode

This mode sets a dark and low contrast theme. It increases readability in dark environments and it is also useful for some people with reading disabilities such as dyslexia.